Why get a traditional surveillance camera when you can Sony’s Aibo RoboCop Dog to watch over the house and your family? The latest offering by Sony has got the puppy-sized robot dog into becoming a RoboCop that can roam around and monitor the home, acting as a walking surveillance camera.
The Japanese electronics giant claims that the Aibo RoboCop Dog can remotely check up on family members, children, the elderly, and the house thanks to its cutting-edge cameras, artificial intelligence, and internet capability. The 30-centimeter (one-foot) RoboCup also had advanced LED eyes that could scan through the house at pre-designated times looking for family members. Yes, the Aibo RoboCop Dog definitely took the role of “guard dog” to a whole new technological level — and admittedly, marvel.
“You will be able to check how remote family members are doing or what children are doing when they get home,” project chief Izumi Kawanishi told reporters at the Sony headquarters in Tokyo. He adds, “We aim to make you feel a bit more secure by living with Aibo and having fun,”.
In partnership with home security company, Secom, Sony’s Aibo RoboCop Dog can also store progress reports and basically, whatever it was able to capture and record so it can send it to the homeowner via smartphone. It’s sort of how a normal car dashboard camera or surveillance camera would work only this time, the RoboCop Dog can turn it into “reports”. Frankly speaking, getting reports from a robot dog certainly does sound fun.
However, all these features and advanced surveillance do come at an expensive price of $3,000 for a three-year package. With that being said, we don’t blame you if you can’t get your hands on one just yet. Instead, you can first acquaint yourself with other robot pets that may not be able to give you the same level of security but can make up for it with other benefits.
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