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Samsung Electronics Expands its Presence in the Robotics Industry by Filing Several Robotics Patents


The robotics patents filed by Samsung Electronics Co. in the United States range from applications in pet monitoring, healthcare, industrial, and home living. The aggressive move done by Samsung Electronics also shows the company’s strong commitment to innovation and growth in the robotics industry and sector.

With the goal to help improve the lives of people all over the world through their technologies, the robotic patents that Samsung Electronics prioritized and filed certainly show their intent to make a technologically advanced lifestyle for all easier and more accessible.

Starting with their robotic patent that helps pet owners easily monitor their movements and detect their pets’ emotions in real-time. This robotic technology patent is being used n the Samsung Ballie, a round robot equipped with two wheels designed to follow and track pets around the house.

Using the robotic technology of Samsung, the Samsung Ballie can analyze a pet’s behavior patterns, detects emotions, and track movements accurately. Overall, this can help pet owners take better care of their pets. Although if that’s still too much work for you, then deciding to own a robot pet is also a good alternative!

Samsung Electronics Expands its Presence in the Robotics Industry by Filing Several Robotics Patents

To help in the healthcare sector, Samsung Electronics has filed a patent for their walking assist robot, which is to be worn by users once it has been launched. This robot is said to be included in Samsung’s healthcare robotic brand, BotFit. While you may think it’s similar to what a Fitbit or Apple Watch can do, think again.

The walking assist robot of Samsung Electronics aims to assist people who have difficulties in mobility and ensures individuals remain in seamless and safe movement or environments by operating along pre-programmed routes. With such a design, one can assume that this product is aimed at the elderly.

Another patent that Samsung Electronics filed aims to be an asset in three industries: industrial, medical, and home living. While it’s still in the works, the patent for the robot finger will help in enabling easier object detection and grasping thus, its potential for various uses can be scalable and versatile.

Seeing as how the COVID-19 global pandemic affected many sectors and concerns regarding sanitary, Samsung Electronics sought to get a patent for their spray-on robot. This robot will utilize sensors in identifying areas and places that will require disinfection. This makes the jobs of people in sanitation, hospitals, and easier in ensuring an area stays clean and sanitized.

Other robotic patents that Samsung Electronics filed are its patent involving robotic technology that will allow robots to detect various heights and a sensor that will simplify the charging process for robotic devices.

With all the patents filed by Samsung Electronics, we can catch a glimpse of just what the robotics industry may soon look like, as well as how our lives may be more technologically advanced brought about by these innovations.

Sota Takahashi

Sota Takahashi is a Japanese-born electrical engineer. At the age of 18, he moved to Seattle and completed his Electrical Engineering degree at the University of Washington, Seattle. Being a fan of all things tech, he channels his geeky side through this website, and with his wife Linda, shares knowledge about robot pets and how they can be lifelong and advantageous companions for both children and the elderly.

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