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Sebert Landscaping Deploys Its First Autonomous Mowing Robots


Sebert Landscaping is one of the first few companies in the United States to add and deploy Autonomous Mowing Robots (AMRs) to its line of innovative lawncare equipment.

The full-service commercial landscape company is a contractor that currently serves in Chicagoland and Southeastern Wisconsin.

“I’m so proud to be one of the first companies to deploy this new technology… Our business model has always seen to it that we remain on the cutting edge of sustainability, innovation, and green technology. This self-driving mower will fit right in with our goal of taking a lean operation approach to landscaping. We want to make the most of every budget while still providing the best service for our customers using the most up-to-date technology”, says founder and CEO of the Barlett, Jeff Sebert.

Sebert Landscaping Deploy Its First Autonomous Mowing Robots

The new Autonomous Mowing Robots (AMRs) are developed by RC Mowers, a known manufacturer of robotic mowers in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “Since our establishment in 2018, it has been our ambition to introduce this product to our customers and we are thrilled to deliver on that promise,” says CEO of RC Mowers, Michael Brandt.

The company has conducted comprehensive training and certification programs for the customer’s management and mowing staff that will be operating its new Autonomous Mowing Robots — Sebert Landscaping included as of one of the early adopters of the AMRs.

Sebert has noted how their adoption of the new AMRs early on further shows how the landscaping company is committed to sustainability, innovation, and client satisfaction thus, solidifying its position as an industry leader that paves and advocates for a greener and more efficient future.

“We believe that landscaping companies that are early adopters of autonomous technology will have a competitive advantage over those who are struggling to hire enough workers… The companies who embrace autonomy will be able to grow and scale their businesses while allowing their talent to do the high-value work they prefer”, says Sebert.

Regarding efficiency, Brandt noted how their AMRs can help generate the same revenue as a crew of three human workers as these robots will reduce the operation team’s reliance on physical labor so that the landscaping company may focus and enhance profitability elsewhere. In addition to this, the AMRs can also increase overall operational efficiency as landscapers can also work on other tasks that will require their time and skills.

With such pros and advantages, robots used for lawn maintenance may be a sight that we can start seeing in plenty of other states, parks, and public places.

Sota Takahashi

Sota Takahashi is a Japanese-born electrical engineer. At the age of 18, he moved to Seattle and completed his Electrical Engineering degree at the University of Washington, Seattle. Being a fan of all things tech, he channels his geeky side through this website, and with his wife Linda, shares knowledge about robot pets and how they can be lifelong and advantageous companions for both children and the elderly.

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