Spot the Robot Dog of Boston Dynamics is no stranger to the spotlight. From walking down a fashion runway to painting works of art, Spot the Robot Dog can now add dancing on the red carpet to its list of feats that not a lot can say they can ever do in their lifetime.
Paramount Pictures held a Red Carpet Premiere event for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts last June 5 where Spot the Robot Dog was invited to show off its dance moves. It did a series of moves such as stretching or swaying its head from side to side, head bops, and struts in place. Such attraction from a robot dog truly left people in awe, and it was definitely most fitting considering how the Transformers movie franchise is about robots.
This is not the first time Spot the Robot Dog dabbled into the world of Hollywood or film and television. As Black Mirror creator, Charlie Brooker, has previously mentioned before that their episode ‘Metalhead’ is actually inspired by the very same robot dog of Boston Dynamics.
Needless to say, Spot can do more than contribute to the world of arts and pop culture. This robot dog has also been helping the military and possibly the LAPD in completing missions and keeping people safe.
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